Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Maslow Theory Of Motivation

Questions: 1.Does each person need to be Motivated and Communicated with differently? Can this be done in a small team? How about a large team?2.If you were a member of this group, what type of Communication or Motivational approach by Carol would be most likely to result in your working at your highest level?3.What should she do? Answers: 1.In accordance with Maslow theory of motivation, the employees may be at different levels of motivation and hence their need and desires can potentially vary. For instance, for certain employees salary may be the prime motivator while for others recognition at job may be more significant. Further, in relation to communication also, there are several factors at play particularly cultural which are especially significant in the multicultural corporate world. While in a small team, personalisation should be given more preference but in a large team commonly accepted approached to motivate employees coupled with communication methods should be preferred (Shriberg and Shriberg, 2011). 2.As a leader, it is imperative that the team members should be kept in open communication so that they are aware of the exact situation especially in case of any calamity. Besides, with regards to motivation, I would suggest Carol to focus on the motivators that are highlighted in the Herzbergs hygiene theory of motivation (Miner, 2011). 3.For Carol, it is imperative to motivate the team as a whole by emphasising the underlying importance of the underlying task at hand. Besides, Carol must communicate with team members on a regular and individual basis and seek to iron out the various issues which may act as inhibitors and in the process could also indulge in motivation at an individual level without compromising group cohesiveness (Miner, 2011). References: Miner, J.B. (2011), Organizational Behaviour 6, New York: ME Sharpe Shriberg, D., Shriberg, A. (2011).Practicing Leadership (Principles and applications),New Jersey: John Wiley Sons Inc.

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